Cirrus Identity Solutions
The experienced Cirrus team will help you implement solutions to simplify and secure your identity and access management environment!

External Users, Sponsors & Guests
Great for applicants, alumni, parents, continuing ed, contractors and more!

InCommon & eduGAIN Services
Outsource integration and maintenance for federation services and applications!

Applications for Many Institutions
Users login with their institutional username and password!

The glue that supports access for users from multiple Identity Providers to multiple applications!
Key Features - Authentication Proxy
Cloud hosted and managed SaaS product that streamlines access for multiple Identity Providers (IdPs) - your primary institutional IdP, social/external IdPs, the Cirrus OrgBrandedID and other affiliated or federated institutions.
Provides users an intuitive login discovery screen to access multiple applications whether SAML, CAS, OIDC and some WS-Fed authentication protocols.
Also supports complex attribute translations when required for authentication.
Data Sheet - Authentication Proxy
Authentication Proxy Base Features
- A cloud hosted and managed SaaS Authentication Proxy acts as an Identity Provider to configured CAS, SAML and/or OIDC Service Providers.
- The base subscription includes support for all eduGAIN / InCommon Service Providers and a limited number of non-eduGAIN/InCommon custom Service Providers.
- The Proxy will consume metadata from eduGAIN federations, including InCommon, on a daily basis for new or changed Service Providers and Identity Providers.
- The Proxy may be configured to only trust a small subset of Service Providers or Identity Providers as determined by the institution.
- The Proxy supports REFEDS authentication context in the request, allowing some users to be prompted for a second factor.
- Support for custom metadata aggregates or custom attribute release policies.
Authentication Proxy Complimentary Products
Additional Authentication Proxy Product Options
- See the Proxy Connector, Student Selector and Attribute Authority add-on products.
- Additional custom Service Providers.
Products Used with Authentication Proxy
- See the Account Linking, Gateway, Invitation, OrgBrandedID, MFA. SAML Bridge, CAS Bridge and Slate Bridge products.
See more about Cirrus Identity Cloud Hosted and Managed Products
Description Goes Here
More Information - Authentication Proxy
Challenges Solved
See the Cirrus solution for streamlining SSO for external users, sponsors and guests
See the Cirrus solution for securing SSO login for many institutions to access applications
See the Cirrus solution for easy SSO integration with protocol translation services
Cirrus Authentication Proxy Documentation
Customer Success Use Cases
See University of Indianapolis
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