Cirrus Identity Solutions
The experienced Cirrus team will help you implement solutions to simplify and secure your identity and access management environment!

External Users, Sponsors & Guests
Great for applicants, alumni, parents, continuing ed, contractors and more!

InCommon & eduGAIN Services
Outsource integration and maintenance for federation services and applications!

Applications for Many Institutions
Users login with their institutional username and password!

Cloud hosted alternative for multilateral federation!
Key Features - SAML Bridge
Cloud hosted and managed product that integrates Azure AD, Okta, Duo SSO and other commercial Identity Providers that don’t support multilateral federation required by all eduGAIN national federations (InCommon, CAF, UK Federation and many others) for global research and scholarship.
The Cirrus SAML Bridge is a cloud-hosted alternative to running Shibboleth or SimpleSAMLPhP.
The DNS Add-On supports redirecting SAML authentications from the existing Shibboleth service to the SAML Bridge without changes to the configured Service Providers and/or InCommon registration.
The Attribute Authority Add-On supports integrating other required attributes at the time of authentication if they are not stored in the primary Identity Provider.
Data Sheet - SAML Bridge
SAML Bridge Base Features
- Cloud hosted and managed SaaS product that supports multi-lateral federation required by all eduGAIN federations including InCommon, Canadian Access Federation, UK Federation, FENIX or others.
- Extends Microsoft Azure AD, Okta, Duo SSO and other SAMLV2 based SSO solutions to support multilateral federation.
- Base subscription includes support for all InCommon Service Providers and up to 10 non-InCommon Service Providers at no extra charge.
- Maps existing SSO attributes to research and scholarship standard expected by federations such as givenName (first name), sn (last name), and eduPersonPrincipalName.
- Supports REFEDS Research and Scholarship standard release of attributes for trusted eduGAIN / InCommon Service Providers. Makes configuration of new services simple, secure and fast.
- Supports REFEDS multi-factor authentication (MFA) context to meet the MFA signaling requirements of eduGAIN / InCommon Service Providers.
SAML Bridge Complimentary Products
- See the Console product which is included at no extra charge.
Additional SAML Bridge Product Options
- See the DNS and Attribute Authority add-on products for SAML Bridge
- Additional custom Service Providers beyond the 10 SPs that are included with the base subscription.
Products Used with SAML Bridge
- See the Authentication Proxy and CAS Bridge products.
See more about Cirrus Cloud Hosted and Managed SaaS Solutions
Description Goes Here
More Information - SAML Bridge
Challenges Solved
See the Cirrus solution to easily federate SSO for InCommon and eduGAIN
See the Cirrus solution for securing SSO login for many institutions to access applications
Cirrus SAML Bridge Documentation: Azure AD, Okta, InCommon Registration, Attribute Transformations
Customer Success Use Cases
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